Estonian Folklore Archives

Vanal fotol on näha rahvariietes tantsivad rõõmsad inimesed ja tantsu rõõmsalt pealt vaatavad naised. Taustal on kadakad.


Head of Department: Risto Järv
Phone: 7377 732 

The Estonian Folklore Archives (EFA) are the central folklore archives in Estonia, which are aimed at possibly diverse recording, preserving, and making accessible to researchers the phenomena of non-institutional mental culture. An organic part of this is scientific analysis of the material, publication of research results and source materials, as well as popularising and educational activity.

Besides folklorists, the archives serve as a study base for philologists, ethnologists, historians, sociologists, etc.

The materials of the EFA are used by a wide circle of the creators of high and folk culture, genealogists and local lore researchers, educators, students, and others.

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