The Estonian Literary Museum comprises the following structural units:
The Archival Library (established in 1909), which is responsible for collecting, preserving and making available to researchers, in all places, Estonian-language publications; Publications on Estonia and the Baltic States; printed materials on Finno-Ugric nations.
The Bibliographic Department of the Archival Library (established in 1921) compiles a general retrospective bibliography of the content of Estonian journalism.
The Estonian Folklore Archive (founded in 1927) is the central institution in Estonia dealing with the collection and research of Estonian folklore.
The Estonian Cultural History Archives (established in 1929) is the central institution in Estonia for collecting and organizing literary and cultural materials (manuscripts, letters, documents, diaries, photographs, works of art).
The Department of Folkloristics (founded in 1947) investigates the study of Estonian, and other nations figurative speech, religion, stories and multimedia and with publishing electronic magazines and creating a digital archive.