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Conference “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” on 4-6 September, Tartu


Dear colleagues,


We invite you to the conference “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” that will take place in the Estonian Literary Museum (Tartu) on September 4-6, 2024.

In today’s media-saturated European societies, humour often takes centre stage in social conflicts. Why is studying the relation between humour and social conflict important? What kind of humour do people create in the face of the conflict, and how do they react to such humour? This conference is the grand finale of the CELSA network project “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere: Communication styles, humour controversies and contested freedoms in contemporary Europe”. We are looking forward to sharing our findings and getting feedback from humour scholars and practitioners interested in similar topics.


The conference programme can be found here: https://www.kirmus.ee/et/sundmuste-kalender/konverents-humour-and-conflict-public-sphere

There is no conference fee and no registration is required for those who want to attend - just come and take part in the discussions on humour!


Warm regards,

Conference organisers Liisi Laineste, Anastasiya Fiadotava and Guillem Castañar

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