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Conference of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies


The 9th Annual Conference of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies

Perception and Performativity in Arts and Culture in the Age of Technological Change

September 5–7, 2019, Tartu


The process of digitalisation in contemporary society is inevitable. However, digital should not be reduced to computer technology, because it embraces a wider set of sociocultural phenomena. Even the performing arts and cultural performances characterised by happening ‘here and now’ cannot escape the reality of this situation because digitalisation refers not only to specific technologies but also to specific ways of communication and the sociocultural contexts in which live performances take place. Research on how digitalisation changes all walks of our everyday life, from culture to politics, is still breaking new grounds.


Organisers: The working group of the CEES on narrative studies, PUT1481 "The Role of Imaginary Narrative Scenarios in Cultural Dynamics"

More information from the organisers:

Hedi-Liis Toome (2019perception@gmail.com), Head of the Estonian Association of Theatre Researchers and Critics

Anneli Saro (anneli.saro@ut.ee), Professor of Theatre Research, University of Tartu

Mare Kõiva (mare@folklore.ee), Leading Researcher of the Estonian Literary Museum, Head of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies

Anne Ostrak (anne.ostrak@folklore.ee), Project Manager of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies

Piret Voolaid (piret@folklore.ee), Senior Research Fellow of the Estonian Literary Museum, Executive Manager of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies

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