
Department of Folkloristics

The Department of Folklore was founded in 1947 and is engaged in the study of figurative speech, religion, stories and multimedia of Estonian and other nations, as well as the publication of electronic magazines and the establishment of a digital archive.

Estonian Folklore Archives

Founded in 1927. The Estonian Folklore Archive is the central archive of folklore in Estonia, the task of which is to capture, preserve and make available what is as diverse as possible of the phenomena of non-institutional spiritual culture.

Cultural History Archives

The Estonian Cultural History Archive was founded in 1929. The Estonian Cultural History Archive is Estonia's central archive collecting and organizing literary and cultural history materials (manuscripts, letters, documents, biographies, memoirs, diaries, photographs, works of art, sound recordings).

Archival Library

The Archival Library was founded in 1909. The task is to collect, preserve and make available to researchers all publications in Estonian, regardless of their place of publication; Publications on Estonia and the Baltics; printed materials about the Finno-Ugric peoples.

    Folkloristikaosakonna teadusseminar

    Folkloristikaosakonna teadusseminar

    Vanal fotol on näha rahvariietes tantsivad rõõmsad inimesed ja tantsu rõõmsalt pealt vaatavad naised. Taustal on kadakad.


    •	Fotol on maalihoidla. Pildil paremal pool on näha kolm maali. Foto meeleolu on pigem helge, kuna hoidla on valgetes toonides. Valgele annab kontrasti üks punane vahesein.

    Kultuuriloolise arhiivi maalihoidla

    Fotol on Arhiivraamatukogu kartoteegikappidega puhas ja korras Foto on pruunikates toonides. Aknast paistab sisse ere päikesevalgus.

    Arhiivraamatukogu kataloogisaal

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