Konverents “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere”


Lisa üritus kalendrisse 2024-09-04 10:00:00 2024-09-06 21:00:00 Konverents “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere”   CELSA projekti konverents “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” (korraldajad: L. Laineste, A. Fiadotava, G. Castañar). Tänapäeva meediast küllastunud Euroopa ühiskondades on huumor sageli sotsiaalsete konfliktide keskmes. Miks on oluline uurida huumori ja sotsiaalsete konfliktide suhet? Millist huumorit inimesed konflikti ajal loovad ja kuidas nad sellisele huumorile reageerivad? See konverents on CELSA võrgustikuprojekti   “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” suur finaal. Ootame põnevusega, et saaksime jagada oma uurimusi ja saada tagasisidet ning mõtteid huumoriteadlaste ja -praktikute käest, kes on huvitatud sarnastest teemadest. Konverents on platvorm koostöö arendamiseks ja uute viiside leidmiseks, kuidas arutada huumoritemaatika olulisust kriisiajal. Registreeruge konverentsile, kasutades seda VORMI hiljemalt 15. augustiks. Konverentsil osalemine on tasuta. Konverentsiprogramm avaneb sellel LINGIL .  Konverentsi teesidega saab tutvuda siin >>> Konverentsil osalemine on tasuta, kuid osalejatel palutakse katta oma majutus- ja reisikulud. 5.09 dr Bradley E. Wigginsi plenaarettekanne on järelevaadatav siit >>>     Conference “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” (organisers: L. Laineste, A. Fiadotava, G. Castañar).   In today’s media-saturated European societies, humour often takes centre stage in social conflicts. Why is studying the relation between humour and social conflict important? What kind of humour do people create in the face of the conflict, and how do they react to such humour? This conference is the grand finale of the CELSA network project “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere: Communication styles, humour controversies and contested freedoms in contemporary Europe”. We are looking forward to sharing our findings and getting feedback and insights from humour scholars and practitioners interested in similar topics. The conference will be a platform to develop collaborations and think of new ways to discuss the importance of humour at the time of crisis. Register for the conference by using this FORM by August 15. The conference is free of charge. Conference programme is available HERE. The book of abstracts can be found here >>>   Dr. Wiggins' plenary presentation (5th Sept) can be found here >>>                       - Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum noreply@kirmus.ee Europe/Tallinn public


CELSA projekti konverents “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” (korraldajad: L. Laineste, A. Fiadotava, G. Castañar).

Tänapäeva meediast küllastunud Euroopa ühiskondades on huumor sageli sotsiaalsete konfliktide keskmes. Miks on oluline uurida huumori ja sotsiaalsete konfliktide suhet? Millist huumorit inimesed konflikti ajal loovad ja kuidas nad sellisele huumorile reageerivad? See konverents on CELSA võrgustikuprojekti   “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” suur finaal. Ootame põnevusega, et saaksime jagada oma uurimusi ja saada tagasisidet ning mõtteid huumoriteadlaste ja -praktikute käest, kes on huvitatud sarnastest teemadest. Konverents on platvorm koostöö arendamiseks ja uute viiside leidmiseks, kuidas arutada huumoritemaatika olulisust kriisiajal.

Registreeruge konverentsile, kasutades seda VORMI hiljemalt 15. augustiks.

Konverentsil osalemine on tasuta.

Konverentsiprogramm avaneb sellel LINGIL .

 Konverentsi teesidega saab tutvuda siin >>>

Konverentsil osalemine on tasuta, kuid osalejatel palutakse katta oma majutus- ja reisikulud.

5.09 dr Bradley E. Wigginsi plenaarettekanne on järelevaadatav siit >>>



Conference “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere” (organisers: L. Laineste, A. Fiadotava, G. Castañar).


In today’s media-saturated European societies, humour often takes centre stage in social conflicts. Why is studying the relation between humour and social conflict important? What kind of humour do people create in the face of the conflict, and how do they react to such humour? This conference is the grand finale of the CELSA network project “Humour and Conflict in the Public Sphere: Communication styles, humour controversies and contested freedoms in contemporary Europe”. We are looking forward to sharing our findings and getting feedback and insights from humour scholars and practitioners interested in similar topics. The conference will be a platform to develop collaborations and think of new ways to discuss the importance of humour at the time of crisis.

Register for the conference by using this FORM by August 15.
The conference is free of charge.

Conference programme is available HERE.

The book of abstracts can be found here >>>


Dr. Wiggins' plenary presentation (5th Sept) can be found here >>>












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