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SUKK is coming again: May 15th at 5:00 PM


The Estonian Literary Museum has launched an event series called "Finno-Ugric Literary Café" or SUKK since April. Now, in May, we are gathering for the second time!


The idea of the literary café is to explore other languages through various senses; the same literary work is presented in different languages, allowing participants to "taste" a foreign language by speaking it, as each language reveals itself in its uniqueness and distinctiveness.


Each SUKK event is dedicated to a Finno-Ugric literary work and its translations into other languages. The meetings take place in a relaxed atmosphere, around a tea or coffee table with traditional food from the respective cultures.


The literary café involves experts who discuss the origin of the work, the peculiarities of its translation, the challenges of understanding and interpreting the text. Professional translators are also invited to present their versions of the work and share insights into the art of translation.


The second meeting will take place on May 15th at 5:00 PM in the main hall of the Estonian Literary Museum. The conversation will be moderated by fennougrist Eva Toulouze and museum researcher Nikolai Anisimov.

This time, we will "taste" Udmurt poetry, with a focus on the poem "By the Roadside" by the poet Ašaltši Oki.


We will meet monthly until December, excluding July and August when we take a break.


All interested individuals are welcome to join.


The "Finno-Ugric Literary Café" is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, within the framework of the Indigenous Peoples Program (project "Finno-Ugric Literary Café SUKK").

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